Rare Cases You Should Not Switch to Linux

As someone that is always trying to push Linux, I am the first to tell you that there are many obstacles along the way for switching to Linux. Many of these obstacles can be overcome but there is some confusion about when you should not switch to Linux. I am writing this article to tell you the rare cases that you should not switch to Linux.

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11 Reasons to Jump off the Sinking Windows Ship and get Aboard the Linux Cruise.

Everywhere you look on the Internet you will find articles that give you reasons you should make the switch to Linux. Linux is a great operating system and I feel that everyone should be given the opportunity to learn more about it. This helps people to make a more educated decision on whether or not they want to continue using Windows. Here is my list of reasons that you should make the switch to Linux today.

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How to Connect to Wireless Networks with Ubuntu 13.10

One of the first tasks that any new user will want to do with their laptop computer is to connect to a wireless network. Ubuntu 13.10 make this a very easy thing to do by using the network manger. This tutorial will show you how to connect to a wireless network using Ubuntu 13.10.

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How to Change the Default Applications in Ubuntu 13.10

If you are like me and have more than one application for certain tasks such as browsing the web or listening to music then you may want to change your default application preferences. An example of this would be changing the default web browser from Firefox to Google Chrome. Doing this would then have Ubuntu use Google Chrome to open all web links by default. This tutorial will show you how to change your default applications in Ubuntu 13.10.

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How to Change the Power Settings in Ubuntu 13.10

Out of the box I do not like the way that Ubuntu 13.10 handles my power settings. I do not like it turning off my screen and going to standby after a certain amount of time and I do not like it locking my screen after only a few min of inactivity. If you are like me or would simply like to change your power settings then this tutorial will be very helpful for you. This tutorial will show you how to change the power settings in Ubuntu 13.10.

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